FR - Pour répondre à la réalisation spécifique de chacun de vos projets, nous assurons l'ensemble de la production, depuis la conception dessinée jusqu'aux réalisation et livraison de :
- objets 3-D publicitaires géants,
- décors pub, film, vidéo et événementiels,
- mock up (maquettes) publicitaires,
- displays, mobilier design,
- vitrines et étalages de magasin,
- petits stands d'exposition,
- décoration de Noël,
- cabanes en bois perchées dans les arbres,
- Mikados et Totems.
NL - Om de beste oplossing voor uw projecten te bekomen verzorgen we de volledige productie vanaf het getekende ontwerp tot en met de uiteindelijke realisatie en de bezorging aan huis van :
- mega 3-D reclame voorwerpen,
- reclame, film, video en evenementen decors,
- Mock Up product modellen,
- display meubilair, design meubelen,
- winkelvitrines, winkeletalages,
- kleine beursstanden,
- Kerstdecoratie,
- houten hutten in bomen,
- Mikados en Totems.
EN - To help you develop the best solution for your projects we provide a full service production from the design concept to the final product and the delivery of :
- giant 3-D advertising objects,
- advertising, film, video and event sets,
- advertising Mock Up,
- advertising displays, design furniture,
-shop windows, shop displays,
- small fair stands,
- Christmas decorations,
- wooden cabins in the trees,
- Mikados and Totems.


Set up and placed temporarily in a barge docked along the Willebroek Channel

Production and installation of a metal and wooden staircase in a Tannery at Estaimpuis

Creation and building of a temporarily labyrinth structure in the front of the Cathedral of Ste-Gudule et St-Michel in Brussels for Bruxelles Environnement (IBGE)

TV set built in a film studio

Reproduction of a Torii Gate model and installation in a CONNECTIONS Travel Agency

Video set built in a video studio

Concept and building of a mega Breugel set for a Dinner Show in the former Patinoire du Centenaire (1000 m²) at the Heysel-Brussels

Concept and building of a entrance hall intended for a fire scene at Charleville-Mézières

Conception and production of several themed sets for Fisher Price at the Trade Mart in Brussels

Concept and production of a wooden shipwreck over underwater fresco's (by Laurence Henno - LOH Créations) in the restaurant of NEMO 33 Brussels

Design and production of a Whale Shark (5 m long) for the restaurant of NEMO 33 Brussels

Concept and production of several standing panels and a curved angle and corner for the photo studio of Edouard Janssens

Concept and production of a space shuttle for The Voice Belgium - 10 years advertising.

Production of a themed podium for Raffinerie Tirlemontoise

Mega green painted set elements for the filming of an advertising for ING

Design, production and installation of a mega birthday present's knot in the front of Tailor Pierre Degand's house in Brussels

Design and installation of a mega egg-shaped nest in thin wooden boards in the entrance hall of VO Communication SA in Brussels

Design and installation of a Christmas decoration in the front of Tailor Pierre Degand's house in Brussels
Mock Up

An elephant sculpture made of metal net, papier-mâché and wood dust for the chocolat brand Côte d'Or

Production of a chariot model for a Luminus advertising

Design, production and installation of a half model airplane in a Piano Bar situated next to the Avenue Louise

Design, production and installation of a Wheel of Fortune organised by the retailers of the Woluwe Shopping Center

Thermoforming in extruded polystyrene for a PAY&GO advertising

Tyre shaped mould filled with silicone to produce a shoe sole for a Ford advertising

Production of an egg shaped ring for the Leonidas chocolates

Production of mega jewellery boxes for a Bridgestone tyres advertising

Sculpture of the head, the hands and the feet
Giant 3-D & Stands

Shops Windows

Mikados & Totems

Production and installation of a giant thin wooden boards arch at the Place Flagey in Brussels

Entrance of the Hippodrome de Boisfort in Brussels

Giant tepee for a festival in the Cinquantenaire Park

Mikado Totem for Le Soir newspaper in le Parc du Maelbeek next to the C.E.E. in Brussels

An arch in thin wooden boards for a summer festival at le Mont-des-Arts in the center of Brussels

Production and installation of a thin wooden boards bridge at the entrance of the European Community in Brussels

Giant Mikado Tower at the Plants and Garden Festival of Aywiers

Giant totem in thin wooden boards for the event Le Parc Mangeable at le Mont-des-Arts in the center of Brussels
GSM : 00.32.(0)475.777.357 (FR)
GSM : 00.32.(0)473.230.919 (NL - EN)
Tél : 00.32.(0)2.640.68.09
Fax : 00.32.(0)2.644.42.30
Office : 120, rue Emile Banningstraat
B - 1050 Bruxelles / Brussel
Studio / Atelier : 450, av. Paul Gilsonlaan
B - 1620 Drogenbos
Adresse - Google Maps